Bailey's Roofing


How Does a Hail Storm Affect Your Roof?

How Does a Hail Storm Affect Your Roof?

  Hail can be one of the most destructive natural elements regarding your roof. The impact of hail can cause significant damage to your roofing...

Does Heat Affect Your Roof?

Does Heat Affect Your Roof?

Summer is a wonderful time of the year. The sun is out shining; the birds are chirping, and people are outside enjoying the weather. However, the summer heat can have a significant impact on the condition of your roof. Especially in a state like Oklahoma, where summer...

7 Tips for Choosing the Right Contractor

7 Tips for Choosing the Right Contractor

With new construction or home renovations, choosing the right contractor makes all the difference. There are so many options available, so it may be overwhelming to find the right one. You can narrow your search with the right approach. We will provide some tips for...

Emergency Roof Repair: What to Do After a Storm

Emergency Roof Repair: What to Do After a Storm

When a storm hits, the roof of your home or business is often one of the first things to take a beating. Whether it's high winds, hail, or heavy rain, storm damage can quickly lead to leaks and other issues that require emergency roof repair. If you live in Oklahoma,...

What Should My Roof Replacement Estimate Look Like?

What Should My Roof Replacement Estimate Look Like?

A roof replacement estimate is a crucial document that Bailey’s Roofing and Construction providers provide to their customers. For homeowners in Oklahoma who are considering roof repair or replacement, your estimate should include these things.  Type and Extent of...