Bailey's Roofing


Gutter Maintenance Tips

Gutter Maintenance Tips

Not maintaining your gutters can lead to leaks, water damage, cracked foundations, and flooding. The maintenance can be tedious and messy, but it will save you a lot of money on repairs later on. Here are some gutter maintenance tips before storm season hits Oklahoma....

Metal Sheds vs Wooden Sheds

Metal Sheds vs Wooden Sheds

There’s a lot to consider when you decide to build a shed. There’s the price to think about, the appearance, the location, the size, and the purpose of the shed. One of the most important things you should consider is the materials you want to use to build the shed....

5 Signs it’s Time to Replace Your Siding

5 Signs it’s Time to Replace Your Siding

It is important to remember that siding is not just a cosmetic piece of your home. Siding provides the protection that your home needs against weather and water. Without taking care of it properly, water can cause irreparable damage. You should replace it before it’s...

How Much Does Gutter Replacement Cost?

How Much Does Gutter Replacement Cost?

Gutters wear down over time. You might think they are a small asset to your house and don’t need much care, but letting them age too long can lead to significant problems for your home. They are essential to your home for roofing and foundation purposes. It’s better...

How Often Do You Need a Window Replacement?

How Often Do You Need a Window Replacement?

Windows do a lot to keep your house energy-efficient and protect it from damage. You might be asking yourself, “How often should I replace my windows?” So here are a few signs that you need a window replacement. Cracked Window Frames Visibly cracked window frames...

How to Winter Proof Your Windows in Southern Oklahoma

How to Winter Proof Your Windows in Southern Oklahoma

 Cold weather is finally here, and that means heating bills are starting to rise. While there are many ways that houses lose heat, leading to unexpectedly high costs, windows are one of the most common culprits. Winter-proofing your windows can save you hundreds and...